Tag Archives fornode

Why you should learn ASP.NET Core

Introduction A bit of History I have been surprised by the fact that so many people are not aware of Microsoft’s open source shift over last 5 (and maybe few more) years. Lots of people are not aware of current state of .NET, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. And I do not blame them, they […]

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RxJS – Part 6 – Chat application with RxJS

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the RxJS series

Introduction In the first post of RxJS series we talked about reactive programming and benefits or RxJS. Second post covered Observable and how we can effectively use and manipulate Observables. After that, in third post we tried to get familiar with RxJS operators. We tried to briefly cover the error handling subject in the fourth […]

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Chat Application with Angular and Socket.IO

Introduction We will use RxJS, Angular, express (Node.js) & Socket.IO to make a chat application. We will get to see how useful RxJS can be in this scenario. For the purpose of making things smooth and easy we will be using Angular CLI to generate basic client structure and get us a boilerplate for simplest […]

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