Category Archives for JavaScript

JavaScript Collections – Set and Map

 Introduction In this post we will get familiar with two different collections in JavaScript: Set Map In one of the next posts we will also talk about two similar collections: WeakSet WeakMap   They were all introduced to JavaScript spec with ES2015, also known as ES6. Both Map and Set are iterable types. Just like […]

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JavaScript Promises, road to async/await

Introduction Asynchronous and synchronous are kinda complex concepts for beginners. Even some experienced developers fail to comprehend the differences. The synchronous code is something that executes sequentially and everything else waits until that piece of code executes. When you do something asynchronously in JavaScript, you are scheduling it to execute later. And later is some […]

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Organising JavaScript helpers

Introduction Since 2015 ECMAScript switched to yearly releases and they also switched to new naming format: ES_{Year}. With the arrival of ES6 or to be correct, ES 2015 we got support for classes in JavaScript. Also, we got new keywords: import and export. And this can make the code much cleaner and easier to work with. […]

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Generators in JavaScript – Introduction

Introduction to generators A generator function is a special kind of function that was introduced in ES2015 (ES6). In JavaScript once we start a function it has to run to its completion. However, generator functions enable us to create functions that another code can reenter multiple times. Furthermore, nothing from outside of the generation function […]

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JavaScript Iterators

Introduction When we talk about iterators there are two main protocols to be aware of: iterables and iterators. Iterables are data structures that can be iterated. Such example is array, since we can loop through every element of array. Iterator is a simple interface for looping through data – looping through iterable. Iterator is an object […]

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