Tag Archives forASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core Configuration

Introduction ASP.NET Core configuration differs greatly from standard ASP.NET. Instead of web.config or any other way to set up the configuration we use built-in Configuration framework that comes with ASP.NET Core. It is still key-value pairs collection at the end, but we can obtain those values from various sources. One of default sources is appsettings.json […]

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EntityFramework Core – Add an implementation of IDesignTimeDbContextFactory

Problem Your DbContext in a separate project – class library project. You are trying to add new migration and update database, and you are running into this error: Unable to create an object of type ‘CodingBlastDbContext’. Add an implementation of ‘IDesignTimeDbContextFactory’ to the project, or see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851728 for additional patterns supported at design time.   […]

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