RxJS – Part 1 – Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the RxJS series

Introduction to RxJS Reactive programming is nothing new in programming world. It has been used over 40 years ago or even before that. It started to bloom recently along with micro-services and functional programming. Idea is that we have something that represents a value over time which might constantly change. Most of the time when […]

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Generators in JavaScript – Introduction

Introduction to generators A generator function is a special kind of function that was introduced in ES2015 (ES6). In JavaScript once we start a function it has to run to its completion. However, generator functions enable us to create functions that another code can reenter multiple times. Furthermore, nothing from outside of the generation function […]

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JavaScript Iterators

Introduction When we talk about iterators there are two main protocols to be aware of: iterables and iterators. Iterables are data structures that can be iterated. Such example is array, since we can loop through every element of array. Iterator is a simple interface for looping through data – looping through iterable. Iterator is an object […]

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JavaScript Symbols

JavaScript Symbols – Introduction Symbol is a primitive data type in JavaScript. Symbols represent a way to define object keys that will  never get in conflict with other keys. Since they are one of the primitive data types they are immutable. Their main purpose is to serve as an identifier for object’s properties.   Symbols […]

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