Using React Router v4 with create-react-app

Introduction – react-router React-router is the most popular routing solution for applications made in React. It is a collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application. Bookmarkable URLs, history, customizable navigation links and quite a few other features come with it. I had a need to learn more about react-router v4 so I […]

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C# 7.1 – New features

Introduction In some of the previous posts we talked about new features in C# 7 and we talked about the usage of nameof expression in C#. In this post, we will talk about new features that came with C# 7.1.  For you to be able to use C# 7.1 features you need to have Visual […]

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ASP.NET Core Interview Questions

Introduction ASP.NET Core and .NET Core have been in development for years already. If you look into ASP.NET Core MVC repository history, you will find commits from July 2013. These are the new frameworks from Microsoft, that are the completely open source and cross-platform. If you want to learn more about ASP.NET Core, you could […]

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C# 7 – reference returns & local references

Introduction In on of the last posts, we talked about some of the big features that came with C# 7. In this post, we will continue on that and we will talk about returning references from functions and storing references inside of local variables. In addition to existing feature where you can pass in the […]

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JavaScript Promises, road to async/await

Introduction Asynchronous and synchronous are kinda complex concepts for beginners. Even some experienced developers fail to comprehend the differences. The synchronous code is something that executes sequentially and everything else waits until that piece of code executes. When you do something asynchronously in JavaScript, you are scheduling it to execute later. And later is some […]

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